NGC 7635 - The Bubble Nebula
NGC 7635 (Konica Film)
Object: NGC7635 Date: September 3, 2002 Exposure(s): 7x18 Min Film: Konica Centuria Super 1600 Equipement: 10" f/10 Meade OTA w/Lumicon GEG at f/7.5, Losmandy G-11, Minolta SRT-102 35mm camera body. Guideing: ST-4 (A1 - A3's). Hardware & Software: HP S20xi film scanner, Hamrick Software's VueScan (7.1.11), The images were processed with curves and a gamma adjust, cropped, and then digitally stacked using Picture Window. Info: NGC7635, also called the `Bubble Nebula'. This image was just an experiment of the new Konica Centuria Super 1600 film. Its not the best for this application (heavy light pollution). It may have some better modes of use... Focus and guiding was very good across the FOV for my old SCT.
NGC 7635 (The Bubble Nebula)
Object(s): NGC 7635 (The Bubble Nebula) & M52 Location: Great Lakes Star Gaze 7 (Gladwin, MI) Date: September 2009 Mount: Losmandy G-11 Scope: Vixen VC200L with Focal Reducer Exposure: 8x10 Min Modified Canon Rebal XT (350D) @ 800 ISO (25 Darks, 55 Flats) Guiding: SBIG ST-4 thru ETX90 OTA Processing: DSS & PWP The Story: My framing was pretty bad (one would think I could have either centered the bubble or could have not cut M52 in half) and I only collected 8 frames before my autoguider could no longer see through the dew on the guidescope. (The dew on Friday Night/Saturday Morning was so bad, that both the secondary and primary were covered with dew - and it was literally dripping off the scope!) After struggling with the dew for more an hour my battery died and I only had power for the scope's drive. I spent the rest of the night doing visual. Still, Imaging from a "dark" site is like shooting fish in a barrel! Compared to what I get "under the light dome", even the subs looked great!
NGC 7635 - The Bubble Nebula (Thumbnail)
NGC 7635 - The Bubble Nebula (Thumbnail)